Advanced Dermatoglyphics
& Multiple Intelligences Training

What is Dermatoglyphics?

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test (D.M.I.T.) is a scientific study of fingerprint patterns that helps in understanding an individual’s potential and personality. D.M.I. Assessment technique has been developed by scientists and research experts from World renowned universities and is based on knowledge from Genetics, Embryology, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology and Neuroscience.

DMIT Training - Day 1

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

DMIT Training - Day 2

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

DMIT Training - Day 3

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Benefits of the Training

Effective counseling techniques

behavior modification techniques

building good habits and inculcating them

Interpret psychological readings

Confidence building and Self Esteem

learning styles and personality types

Brain Development Techniques

managing emotions and feelings

Communication with children

Who should attend?

Would you like to be proficient in evaluating Biometric Aptitude Test (DMIT) parameters and help all age groups to discover their innate Abilities and personality traits to maximize their performance and achieve excellence?

Would you like to understand how the brain works and become better equipped to help students / children / clients with everything from focusing attention to increasing retention?

Would you like to get trained to understand the focal point of Brain profiling and draw insights from neurology, psychology, technology, and other fields and help new generation to lead a stress free life?

Would you like to engage diverse learners, offer effective feedback that leads to deeper understanding, and create a rich learning environment that attends to students' social and emotional needs along with their developing brains?

“Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible — the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family”

Virginia Satir

Mrs. Kusum Vig is a Counseling Psychologist, Dermatoglyphic Consultant & NLP Master Coach Practitioner associated with International Coach & Trainers Association (ICTA- Cyprus & Denmark) and American Psychological Association. She holds her Master’s degree and M.Phil in Psychology and has been working in the field of Behavioral Training, Counseling, and Coaching & Education for nearly three decades


Founder - Mind Matrix wellness Studio

"If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn."

Ignacio Estrada

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