Would you like to get certified as NLP Coach Practitioner affiliated to International Coach & Trainer Association? (ICTA – Russia, Europe & Asia)
Who should attend
- Trainers, Coaches, HR Professionals and people in Helping Professions
- Corporate Professionals, Team Leaders, Marketing and Sales Executives, Entrepreneurs, Consultants & Business Heads
- IT Project Management Professionals
- Lawyers, Doctors, Performing Artists
- Couples for more meaningful communication
- Parents to learn ‘Coach Approach to Positive Parenting’
- Students for Goal Setting, More Clarity and Conflict Management
Participants Speak
Kusum Gandhi and Solugna are the "Dynamic Duo" of personal development . My experience with Mind Matrix Wellness Studio , NLP Practitioner Training brought out undeniable evidence that we all have the capabilities within us to change our lives for the better!!! It’s been amazing. It blew my expectations out of the water. NLP has helped me assimilate and identify my own personal barriers, as well as identify the communication techniques that can help me achieve success in all aspects .
It was one of the most amazing course conducted and i had the privilege of learning &, introspecting under the expert guidance of Shyam Kalle & Kusum Gandhi Vig . The study event was flawlessly arranged. I recommend it as a "Must do" course in each & every college/work curriculum. It definitely has helped me decode my mind. Looking forward to attending more such courses arranged by you.
Dr Bhavna Pandya
NLP has helped me ask deep meaningful questions about my role in this society...it has been a powerful tool in discovering how I can use my skills and strength to achieve my personal goal.
Amrapali Acharya
Course Benefits
- Learn the Basic Assumptions of NLP – the principles and attitudes elicited from some of the most successful communicators in the world
- Learn to build deep, unconscious rapport with anyone, anywhere;
- Understand key distinctions in your language and behaviour that can have, or provide deep impact during a conversation
- Use the right mix of language patterns involving deep questioning and influential language, to get powerful outcomes – in sales, customer discussions, and handling any type of conflicts.
- Use Coaching Conversations with your colleagues at the workplace or with family members through facilitative and constructive conversations.
- Be able to handle relationship issues for yourself and others, using spatial disassociation techniques.
- Understand how values and beliefs impact how you think and behaviour
- Learn simple, yet highly effective tools for removing negative beliefs
- Learn techniques to resolve inner conflicting thoughts
- Create motivating states of your mind, boost confidence and energy levels, and be on top form just when you need to be at your best
Special Takeaways
Specially crafted NLP Tools & Techniques, videos and audio series , NLP workbook, NLP Manual
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